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One more month to go

One more month to go

We honestly don’t really realize it but our trip is slowly going towards the end..! It feels almost unreal. We still have 1 more month to go through Buenos Aires, London, Barcelona but at the same many questions come  in…
In the middle of the world in Quito

In the middle of the world in Quito

After the Galápagos islands, we made a 5 days stop in Quito. We were not too sure what to expect as we got positive and negative feed-back before getting to the capital of Ecuador. The positive ones were the proximity to many…
Pilotfish eating Ceviche

Pilotfish eating Ceviche

We are in Lima, the capital of the gastronomy and the Ceviche! Who has ever tried the raw fish marinaded with limes and onions? It is simply fresh and delicious! Here below is the recipe for all fish lovers. Please, be careful…
Arequipa – Una bonita ciudad

Arequipa – Una bonita ciudad

Bye bye Bolivia, Hola Peru ! The time goes definitively too fast and we are already leaving Copacabana and the beautiful Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Arequipa has been a very special time as we got to meet the family of…