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One more month to go

One more month to go

We honestly don’t really realize it but our trip is slowly going towards the end..! It feels almost unreal. We still have 1 more month to go through Buenos Aires, London, Barcelona but at the same many questions come  in our mind such as “Are we going to be able to live normally again? What next? and Where? and How?.. And at the same time we try to enjoy every single moment of this trip without stressing about the unknown.
A year ago we were actively planning every aspect of the trip and here we are in Buenos Aires before flying “home”. Home is now a different word for us, we have the impression that the entire world is now our home. We have had the chance to meet incredible people everywhere we went, whom we connected so well, shared stories, had drinks and made a small impact in our lives. Every meeting means a lot for us and is part of our journey.

Our journey has been full of emotions and discoveries and words can barely describe our joy to have been able to discover our amazing planet. Our planet is full of generous people. We don’t want to focus on the negative but it is true that nowadays media and newspaper spread the world with bad news, horrible stories happening around the world. Our parents were of course worried to let us go “in the nowhere” for a year. I would be too as a parent.

But we have good news for you; our world is actually not that bad and full of love and beautiful people. We almost never had any issues in 12 months. (Beside the taxi driver in Java that wanted to fight with us!) We always met the right people at the right time to help, host or feed us. Our path has been filled by fantastic places to see and visit, interesting, kind, curious and lovely people.

It is maybe because we knew what we wanted to do during this trip. We left Lyon airport a little anxious, shy about leaving on a one year world travel. We however knew we wanted to get the better out of it and we carefully set our goals before leaving.

After one year, we can see that life is about what you want and get from it. Opening our mind and wanting the best out of it brought us to a beautiful path filled by surprises, love and abundance.

We could go back to each of the countries we went for many good many reasons but here are a few

– India: for its society, food and interesting religion

– Hong Kong : for its diversity and different landscapes around the capital

– Vietnam: for all the green, the good food and the kindness of people. The cheap massages and cheapest beer in the world are a highlight too

-Cambodia: for the mysterious Angkor Wat temples and cute kids faces we met during our volunteering time in Siem Reap

– Thailand: for the temples, meditation retreats, our yoga teaching training course, beaches, food.. We want to go back now !

– Singapore: for its location and international lifestyle

– Indonesia: for its culture, lifestyle, idyllic beaches and sweet people

– Australia: for all the the things we could not see such as the East coast, West coast, beaches, diving possibilities, wildlife and more

Chile and Patagonia: no words can describe the beauty of this country

– Argentina: for the best wine and tango in the world !

– Bolivia: for the breathtaking landscapes and culture

– Peru : for the incredible Machu Picchu, good food, Inca culture and landscape

– Ecuador : the Galápagos islands could be a place where we could live. The diversity of the country in terms of landscape is amazing

– Colombia: for its sweet, kind and generous people, the music and the beautiful coffee areas

– Florida: for the sun and nice American lifestyle

The only place we would not go back to would be Dubai: it was too fake and non-ecofriendly for us.

Our journey through all of these countries and continents brought only positive aspects. It sounds a bit like a fairy-tale but it is the truth! Some of the facts of our trip are below:

– Of course, many times we would be annoyed by the traffic, mess, corruption or slow process for whatever you want to get fast is Asia or South America. But it taught us Patience.
– Of course, We would occasionally argue with Juan about silly stuff, but it taught us to respect each other and accept things the way they are.
– Of course, many times we got discouraged because of big spiders in the room, smelly bed, crappy hostels, rainy days, or huge bedbugs bites on our legs. But this taught us to accept the present moment and admit that not everything can be controlled.
– Of course, we would cry at times not seeing friends and family but this taught us the power of love through the distance.
– Of course, it was not easy to stop buying clothes, consuming extra things but this taught us that the materialistic lifestyle doesn’t bring happiness. Only the experiences and memories stay.
– Of course, it was not easy to leave everything behind and leave our comfort zone but this taught us that the unknown is the best that life can give you.

We changed in a way a lot during this year and at the same time we stayed faithful to ourselves. We got the chance to learn about others and most importantly about us. We learnt to let go of fears and focus on positive thoughts.

We learnt that life is not about doing things that we must do but about doing things we are meant to do. It helped us to find our purpose in life and see that our stay on earth is about having a beautiful life instead of a stressful one. Life is about the precious moments we have with friends and family. Being able to travel. To have a good health. This make us have a rich life. You should try it 🙂

We will post in few days an article about Orlando ! See you soon 🙂

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